Post by moonface on Feb 15, 2008 2:39:18 GMT -5
Live Preview:
Alright... it's been over at least two months since i've updated or even logged in at all... which is kinda sad. Really sad. so I have decided to use my newfound knowlege to make a few -not so great- skins... but someone may like them. Don't worry, there are two more to come. ^^ I didn't even realize that this was valentine themed. xD
If you need the banner customized, please message me. ^^
Banner -
Background -
Old Thread -
New Thread -
Background Color: B5557D
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Category Text Color: C17C99
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News Title Text Color: C17C99
News Background Color: FFFFFF
News Text Color: C17C99
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Thread & Board Highlights: 440E20
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This code was created by Animus of RPGC
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/* PM Alert v2.5
This code was created by Animus of RPGC
Please do not redistribute without permission
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